Demystifying the Casting Process Innovative Arts Demystifying the Casting Process Innovative Arts

Once Casting is Announced…

We’ve seen it in every theatre movie and TV show - the moment when the cast list is posted and everyone flocks to see who they will be playing. Although we don’t have a traditional cast list like the movies, we do know how much excitement and anxiety can come with casting announcements. We know that this can be overwhelming to process so here are a few ways to navigate the intense emotions that come with the cast list. 

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Demystifying the Casting Process Innovative Arts Demystifying the Casting Process Innovative Arts

What is the casting team looking for in my audition?

Auditions and the casting process come with a lot of big feelings: anticipation, excitement, anxiety, and disappointment.  As a young performer, the casting process may feel confusing, and you may not always understand why certain decisions are made. It is our hope to demystify what conversations go on “behind the scenes” in the casting room with this guide.

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