WELCOME TO OUR 10 year anniversary gala!
Enjoy the show!
A Note from the Founders
All young people deserve to thrive as they explore their passions. Innovative Arts was born out of a need for reinvention in arts programming for youth. Our studio was designed to be a place where youth are allowed (and even encouraged!) to make mistakes, and are motivated by a support system that is optimistic, enthusiastic, and patient. Here, young artists are surrounded by fellow passionate students and mentors who embrace individuality and authenticity. We have created a community where young performers can showcase their talents in a professional and exciting way, and where lifelong memories are as plentiful as life-long friendships.
We started Innovative Arts because we searched for this community ourselves as young people who grew up loving theatre. 10 years later, the proof that we’ve achieved everything we wanted is in the students who continue to surpass our wildest expectations. Whether they go on to pursue careers in the performing arts, or something wildly different, the power of the arts stays with you forever.
It has been our privilege to work with individuals of all kinds, and collaborate with them as they take their moment on stage. Even those who started out shy, with two left feet, or who couldn't sing on-key, have blown us away in their commitment not only to personal growth, but to their casts’ success as a whole.
Our productions have always been a massive undertaking, requiring everyone to pull their weight as important pieces of a large puzzle. When we started, we wanted to do things differently from how we experienced musical theatre growing up. We decided to keep casts small, rehearsals efficient and engaging, and to challenge students to push outside of their comfort zones. Although this is a big ask, our students have consistently risen to the occasion, overcoming even the most difficult obstacles, and always supporting each other with kindness along the way.
It has been a pleasure to lead this community through the highs and lows of the past decade, to watch it adapt, and of course, innovate. The time has come to embark on a new decade, during which our core values of positive reinforcement and confidence building will remain steadfast. We will continue to put our students first and build upon the solid foundation we’ve created, with the hopes of continuing to help young people find their voices, build confidence, and create fond memories for many more years to come.
— Nathan and Sophie McLeod
“A Musical” (from Something Rotten)
Performed by the IADA Students, Thursday Into the Woods Casts, Mini Musical Theatre, Junior Musical Theatre
Choreography by Sophie Lea McLeod, Music Direction by Megan Miceli
“Fame” (from Fame: The Musical)
Performed by the Into the Woods Parsley Cast & Cabbages Cast
Choreography by Bethanie Hughes, Music Direction by Megan Miceli
Featuring choreography from our 2018 production by Jamie Henderson
“Poor Unfortunate Souls” (from The Little Mermaid)
Performed by the Senior Musical Theatre Class
Choreography & Music Direction by Katrina Gibson Fisher
“All Through The Night” (from Anything Goes)
Performed by Gryphyn Karimloo & Krizia Natale (Innovative Arts Alumni)
“Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!” (from Seussical)
Performed by the Mini and Junior Musical Theatre Classes
Choreography & Music Direction by Ariana Bonifaz
“Footloose” (from Footloose)
Performed by the Into the Woods Peppers Cast & Celery Cast
Choreography by Bethanie Hughes, Music Direction by Megan Miceli
Featuring choreography from our 2015 production by Emilio Colelillo
“Freak Flag” (from Shrek)
Performed by Into the Woods Watercress Cast & Asparagus Cast
Choreography by Bethanie Hughes, Music Direction by Megan Miceli
Featuring choreography from our 2022 production by Steve Cota
“Climb Every Mountain” (from The Sound of Music)
Performed by Alyssa Curto (Innovative Arts Instructor) & Alumni Ensemble
“Come So Far (Got So Far to Go)” (from Hairspray)
Performed by the Wednesday Into the Woods Casts & Senior Musical Theatre Class
Choreography by Bethanie Hughes, Music Direction by Megan Miceli
“Stick It to the Man” (from School of Rock)
Performed by the Into the Woods Lettuce Cast & Fiddle Ferns Cast
Choreography by Bethanie Hughes, Music Direction by Megan Miceli
“Revolting Children” (from Matilda)
Performed by the Into the Woods Rampion Cast & Nectarines Cast
Choreography by Bethanie Hughes, Music Direction by Megan Miceli
Featuring choreography from our 2019 production by Jamie Henderson
“The Greatest Show” (from The Greatest Showman)
Performed by the Into the Woods Arugula Cast & Rutabaga Cast
Choreography by Bethanie Hughes, Music Direction by Megan Miceli
“The Story of Tonight/The Schuyler Sisters” (from Hamilton)
Performed by the IADA Students
Choreography by Sophie Lea McLeod, Music Direction by Megan Miceli
“Children Will Listen” (from Into the Woods)
Performed by the full Innovative Arts Musical Theatre Company
Music direction by Megan Miceli
Production Team
Sophie Lea McLeod - Executive Director of Innovative Arts, Gala Producer & Choreographer, Presenter
Bethanie Hughes - General Manager of Innovative Arts, Gala Director & Choreographer, Presenter
Samantha Holland - Artistic Director of Innovative Arts, Gala Producer & Coordinator, Presenter
Nathan McLeod - Founder of Innovative Arts, Gala Technical Consultant, Presenter
Megan Miceli - Music Director, Assistant Stage Manager
Lauren Fahey - Stage Manager
Milan Miville-Dechene - Marketing Creative & Social Media Manager of Innovative Arts, Programme Design
Backstage Staff - Katrina Gibson Fisher, Chris Martel, Emma Ratcliffe, Andrew Case, Joseph Zita, Ariana Bonifaz, Olivia Heenan
A very special thank you to the Burlington Performing Arts Centre as well as all our wonderful volunteers and Innovative Arts alumni who helped make this show possible!